Illia Neizvestny




English flagEnglish
french flagFrench
german flagGerman
Ukraine flagUkrainian
Russian flagRussian
luxembourgish flagLuxembourgish

Country of admission

luxembourgish flagLuxembourg
german flagDeutschland

Practice Areas

Financial law
Tax law
Civil Law
Tax Compliance

About Me

Illia Neizvestny has 15 years’ experience as a lawyer and tax advisor in the Luxembourg financial sector, advising institutional and private clients, family offices, alternative investment funds and asset managers, multinational groups and start-ups.

He specialises in international, European, German and Luxembourg tax law and tax compliance, financial services, financial technology, company law, civil law and public law.

Illia Neizvestny advises on the legal and tax aspects of transaction structuring, maintenance, restructuring, exit planning and succession planning.